Wonderfil Chunky : 100% Acrylic
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Wonderfil Chunky is our fun Chunky weight yarn. Vibrant colors and soft to the touch.
You'll love working with this fabulous yarn. Before you know it, you will have a beautiful completed project in your hands.
Wonderfil Chunky Patterns:
Shoulder Shrug
Blend: 100% Acrylic
Weight: 300g
Lenght: 192M
CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Machine wash in warm water (30C), using gentle cycle.
For best results; hand wash in warm water(30C); do not bleach, lay to dry.







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Wonderfil Chunky is our fun Chunky weight yarn. Vibrant colors and soft to the touch.
You'll love working with this fabulous yarn. Before you know it, you will have a beautiful completed project in your hands.
Wonderfil Chunky Patterns:
Shoulder Shrug
Blend: 100% Acrylic
Weight: 300g
Lenght: 192M
CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Machine wash in warm water (30C), using gentle cycle.
For best results; hand wash in warm water(30C); do not bleach, lay to dry.
Knitting Chart  